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Highlight #1 // Customizable PDF length

The length of your PDF files can now be freely defined. Specify yourself which content is output or where breaks are set to control the number of pages in your PDFs.

Where? Admin tool > Edit PDF > PDF content

Highlight #2 // Gross quotes

The prices in your PDFs can be displayed net or gross including tax.

Our tip for gross quotes: Enter the net prices in your administration tool with five decimal places to ensure that the gross results are always neatly rounded.

Where? Admin tool > Edit PDFs > PDF content

Additional updates

Short overview of all selected options

A short overview is available as a pdf in the list view of requests. This lists all selected options and upgrades with prices - but without photos or descriptions - for each event day.

Where? Admin tool > Inquiries > List view

Export feature for contact data

An export feature for the contact details of prospective customers is available in the list view of inquiries. After selecting the relevant data, it can be exported as a csv file.

Where? Admin tool > Inquiries > List view

Quick view of comments

Comments on a inquiry are displayed directly in the list view. The comment appears when the mouse is moved over the comment symbol.

Where? Admin tool > Inquiries > List view

Delete configurations

A delete function for configurations is available in the list view. After selecting the corresponding inquiries, they can be deleted.

Where? Admin tool > Inquiries > List view

Navigation quick access & fixed buttons

The navigation user interface has been updated to improve the user experience. Simplified access to the main navigation at the top and the fixed buttons at the bottom make it even quicker to create a quote.

Where? Configurator > Navigation

Sorting feature & image editing

All options, upgrades and images can be sorted in the order in which they are to be shown in the configurator. Images can be edited and larger files can be uploaded.

Where? Admin tool > Edit configurator or PDF

Adjust prices for time frame groups

Time frames are now always assigned to a time frame group. These time frame groups are then selected during price entry under “Add price adjustment”. This allows a price adjustment to be applied to several time frames at the same time (example: trade fair dates).

Where? Admin tool > Edit configurator > Yield management

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