Control the offering with rules and adjust prices automatically
The Eventmachine rule set offers a variety of turnkey rules. These can be used in all sections, and can be applied to options or upgrades themselves, as well as to prices or price adjustments.
Rule #1Add rules only if you want to change the default behavior (displaying content in the configurator or calculating prices). Know the purpose of a rule before you add it.
Basically, one can distinguish between:
- Rules for options and upgrades
- Rules for prices and price adjustments
Rules are added to an element by clicking on the "+" icon:
Dynamic configurator layout & MICE revenue management

When a rule is applied to an option or upgrade, this controls the visibility (availability) of that element in the configurator.
If the rule is met, the option is displayed in the configurator. If the rule is not met for a given event configuration, the option remains hidden.

When a rule is applied to a price or price adjustment, this will control when that price is used.
If the attached rule is met, this price will be taken into account in the calculation. If the rule is not met for a particular configuration, the price will be ignored when the option is calculated.
Rule group "Date & Time"
Rule: Meeting Time Slot
Defines for which time slots of an event an option is displayed in the configurator. The option is then available for this event time.
A "dinner" catering option should not be available for events that take place during the "morning" time slot.
The "Meeting Time Slot" rule is added to the dinner option. In the rule settings, only applicable event time slots are checked, but not the "morning" time slot.
Rule: Event Time Frame
Defines whether an option is available or a price is used in the selected event time period. A time frame can be a single date, multiple event days, or just certain days of the week.
Next year, the most attractive event space will cost more on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
In addition to the regular price for the event space, an additional price (alternatively: a price adjustment) is created. This additional price is given the rule "Event Time Frame". This rule defines that the price is valid only in the following period: 01 January to 31 December, on weekdays Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Rule: Quote Request Time Frame
Defines whether an option is available or a price is used at the time of the request. A request time frame can be a single date, multiple event days, or just specific days of the week.
Last-minute bookers who submit their event request this month can get complimentary smoothies at the reception.
A free catering option ("Smoothie on the house") is set up. The "Quote Request Time Frame" rule is added to this option. This is where it is defined that the option is only displayed if the request is made in the current month.
Rule: Event Days (Type)
This rule defines whether an option or a price is available on certain types of event days. A differentiation is made between first and last event day or middle event days. For one-day events, several characteristics apply.
On the first day of an event the rent of an event venue is 10.000,- Euro, but on the subsequent days only 7.500,- Euro each.
The room rent is set up by default at 7.500,- Euro. An additional price of 2.500,- Euro is set up separately with the rule "Event Days (Type)". In the settings of the rule "first day" is selected, so that this price is added only on the first event day.
Rule: Event Duration ( total)
This rule specifies whether certain options are available or prices are used depending on the number of event days. Whether this rule kicks in depends exclusively on the total length of the event.
In order to promote the booking of events lasting several days, "business single rooms" are to cost 25 Euros less, and only if the event lasts at least three days.
A price adjustment of "-25" is added to the " business single room" option. The price adjustment is given the rule "Event Duration ( total)". This is used to specify that the price adjustment is only used if the event duration is 3 days or longer. In the settings of the rule, a 3 is stored as "minimum number of days".
Rule group "Pax & Unit"
Rule: Pax Range
Depending on the number of attendees, options can be shown or hidden or prices can be applied. In the rule settings, you can optionally set only the "Minimum number of attendees" or the "Maximum number of attendees".
A 250 sqm room should not be available for very small groups to be selected in the configurator. The room should only be available for groups with more than 20 attendees.
The rule "Pax Range" is added to the space. In the settings, a minimum group size of 21 is entered as "Minimum number of attendees". The "Maximum number of attendees" field remains blank.
Rule group "Catering"
Rule: Catering Type
This rule specifies whether an option should be available or a price should be calculated only if catering options of a certain type (package or individual catering) have been selected in the configurator.
The rent of an event space is to be waived above a certain catering turnover - but only if the minimum turnover is achieved by selecting catering packages (and not individual catering components).
First, a minimum catering threshold is defined for the event space / meeting room, which specifies the minimum sales volume above which the room rent is waived. The "Catering Type" rule is then appended to this minimum catering threshold. In the settings, it is defined that the threshold only applies if "packages" are selected. As a result, the room rent is then dropped if enough packages are selected - but not if "individual catering" is chosen.
Rule group "Other"
Rule: Coupon Code
This rule controls whether an option is available or a price is taken into account when a coupon code is used. The coupon codes themselves are managed in the "Yield Management" section.
As part of a new customer acquisition, only packages that contain food and beverages in organic quality are to be offered. A coupon code "HEALTHYMEETINGS" will be sent to interested parties.
First of all, new organic packages will be set up. Both the new organic flat rates and the old standard flat rates are equipped with the " Coupon Code" rule. In the rule settings, it is defined that the organic packages are available when the coupon code "HEALTHYMEETINGS" is used. The regular packages should be available if the "HEALTHYMEETINGS" coupon is not used.
Rule: Required Items
This rule is used to automatically select another option when an option is selected. An option is only automatically selected in an event configuration if it is available. Required objects can also not be deselected.
When booking a large event room, there is always a 300,- Euro cleaning fee. However, the cleaning costs should not be included in the rent, but should be transparently shown separately in the quote.
Cleaning is set up as a standalone upgrade and linked to the event room. A rule "Required Items" is created for the event room itself. In the settings of the rule, the upgrade "Cleaning" is defined as a required item.
Rule: Incompatibility
This rule is used when the selection of one option should automatically prevent the selection of another option. This can be the case if the simultaneous selection of two specific options is factually not possible or the simultaneous selection would simply not make sense.
The " Grand Hall" room can be divided into the areas "Grand Hall left" and "Grand Hall right". If the large hall is selected as the main room, it is not possible to book one of the partial areas as an additional space.
The "Incompatibility" rule is added to the " Grand Hall" option, and the two partial areas are defined as "Incompatible". Thus, when the " Grand Hall" option is selected, they are no longer available for selection. The "incompatible" feature is automatically transferred from the one option to incompatible options when saving.
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