Innovative MICE portal for your own website
Sell events easily online
For all providers of events, conferences, seminars or even private events such as weddings or celebrations, the direct sale of events via their own website is becoming increasingly important.
There is an almost unmanageable number of venue platforms or MICE portals - how would it be if users could configure their event directly on their own website? Without expensive commissions for platforms? This is where an innovative MICE tool can help. Seamlessly embedded in the own design of the online presence - and available around the clock, seven days a week.

Benefit from the advantages of portals and platforms on your own website
As a provider of MICE events, you always have to be on your toes. Customers want their quotes instantaneously, prices must be transparent and comprehensible.
The cloud solution from eventmachine provides a remedy. Events are planned automatically, quotes are sent instantaneously. No employee in the hotel or venue has to take care of this anymore - the event platform in the background works tirelessly and takes over the work.
Live calculated prices, instant quotes. This is how digital customer service works.
A MICE event platform offers hotels and venues the possibility to set up their own event configurators. The MICE configurator is embedded in the venue's own website. Customers, interested parties or even event sales can then easily plan individual events online. The MICE event platform calculates each event exactly and sends instant individualized quotes.
The MICE Event Platform is seamlessly embedded into the website of the hotel or venue. Much smarter than any form, the event configurator app adapts to the wishes of the interested party - only the appropriate options and upgrades are suggested for selection. Playfully yet efficiently, the customer gets a detailed event quote.
Events planned on eventmachine's event platform are 100% individual. B2B events (such as meetings, seminars or gala dinners) can be planned, as well as private parties or weddings. There are no limits to creativity. The customer will not notice at all that the event quotes were created automatically. He will only notice how fast he got his quote.

Turnkey event platform for event planning & automated quotes
For all those who sell events
MICE portal for hotels & conference hotels
- smart MICE platform for more direct bookings
Event platform for event locations & co-working spaces
- automated event sales 24/7
MICE platform for all event providers
- Offer catering, event services or workshops online and sell them on your own website